Friday, May 13, 2011

Pop Up Graduation Owl Cake & Pop Up Flower Pot Card

I am really excited I made 2 Pop Up Cards!
One is for a Graduation and the other for a Birthday!
Above is the cake with the graduation owl with his cap and diploma.
Here is the box I hand made with
the bow also hand made.

The inside of the box is the card.

Now for the Birthday Card
The boxThe inside
I love this one.

My husband said I looked silly taking pictures of these cards.

To get directions for these cards
Pop on over to
She has a great video explaining how to do these wonderful cards.


chillin with Quillin said...

There both AWSOME!!!!

Chris said...

Oh, My Gosh! These are fabulous! I love both of these! Nice job!

veronica P. said...

Such a beautiful cards! Glade i stumbled on your site..
Veronica from

beejay said...

These are wonderfully creative, I love pop-ups! Now I have to get brave enouch to try one... and your hubby might be a nice guy but don't listen to him - keep taking and posting those pictures!! ;)

Nati said...

Nati from Brazil