Thursday, February 10, 2011


Finally a bright and sunny day to take pictures.
I am waiting for the weekend! It will finally be warm enough
to melt the ice. I can't wait!

Anyway! Stuck inside doing one of my favorite things and that is quilling!!

Here are some of my work.This is work in progress here
I love trees and owls. I plan to add some flowers.

This is a 2.5 inches card by 2.5 inches.
I thought this would be a great gift tag for a birthday present.


chillin with Quillin said...

cute owl,and nice flower, it would make a nice gift tag!

Cheri said...

Thank You! You are too kind.

Chris said...

Nice job quilling! Your flower is so pretty!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Cheri your owl is very cute.